TAVI enables the effective implementation of visitor flow measurements, contact tracing and capacity recording. By using UHF transponder technology, it anonymously records visitors and customers in facilities or at events, separated according to defined rooms or areas.

Visitor Flow Analysis
Counting visitors anonymously in different areas / rooms and determine their length of stay

Crowd Management
Automatic admission stop with a specified maximum number of visitors in different locations

Contact Tracing
Recognize simultaneous presence of visitors in predefined areas / rooms
This data can be evaluated in a targeted manner: In a non-personalized way to measure the length of stay, visitor density and main visiting times; or, if necessary, for effective contact tracing. Permanent, long-term and fast temporary installations are avaliable.
Track Boxes are positioned at key locations such as conference rooms, expo booths or highly frequented areas. Every visitor and staff member wears a featherlight transponder that is automatically detected by the boxes.
Entrances and exits are ideal for recording visitors. The more locations that are equipped with a Track Box, the more precisely movements and whereabouts can be traced. Transponders are detected up to ten meters away, if there is a direct line of sight. Walls, doors, etc. form a natural barrier for the UHF signal.



Is installed at critical points
Registers which transponders are within range at what time
Sends the data to a secure server via the cellular network
Runs autonomously on batteries and mains power

Is distributed to visitors and staff
Can be worn as a sticker (e.g. on tickets) or lanyard
Sends an anonymous code via radio technology that is received by the Track Box
Is featherlight and does not require charging
Custom print design

Saves the collected data of the Track Boxes with date and time
Calculates on demand which transponders “met“ near a Track Boxes in a certain period of time
Allows a variety of different evaluations and visualizations
Data processing remains completely anonymous on the platform
TAVI is based on UHF technology. It works without user intervention. Anyone who carries the feather-light transponder with them has already done everything right.
No relying on smartphone apps & Bluetooth
Independent of GPS reception
3G/4G connection, no Wifi or LAN required
Low-priced and contactless passive transponders
Fast, uncomplicated, wireless installation
Low maintenance
Internal back-up battery with wall 12VDC charger or direct connection to a solar panel
Weatherproof, IP54 suitable for outdoors
TAVI offers a great variety of different application scenarios and can be individually adapted to your needs.
Contact us for personal advice and a non-binding offer!